AO-85 Testing November 8 and 9

Summary of AO-85 testing:
Please do not try to uplink to AO-85 during the following times (all of
which occur while AO-85 is over North America) even though the
transponder will be active and you may hear activity.
Sunday November 8, 15:35 through 15:55 UTC
Sunday November 8, 17:15 through 17:35 UTC
Monday November 9, 00:05 through 00:25 UTC
Monday November 9, 01:45 through 02:10 UTC
All dates and times are UTC, all passes are Sunday local time in North
America. Stations in North, Central, and northern South America are
asked to comply.
You are encouraged to copy telemetry with FoxTelem during these times to
forward to the server to help us analyze the test results.
Details of this AO-85 testing:
Sunday, November 8 and into early Monday, November 9 (UTC) the Fox-1
Engineering Team will be testing the COR (carrier operated relay) mode
of AO-85.
COR is the backup to the IHU failing, if IHU fails AO-85 should continue
operating as a simple COR repeater with no CTCSS necessary as long as
there is power.
In COR mode no telemetry or voice ID is present because those are
generated by the IHU.
Orbit 443 ascending, at approximately 15:35 UTC over North America we
will test a telemetry high/low reset command. Following the command
look for Ground Resets = 2 in the Computer window of FoxTelem. Once
that is confirmed, we will command the IHU OFF on the same pass. Please
keep the uplink clear in order to help us test and monitor the telemetry.
Orbit 444 ascending, at approximately 17:15 UTC over North America AMSAT
command and engineering stations will test the COR mode on the air to
observe performance.
Please keep the uplink clear so that we may test without interference,
to expedite the testing and allow for good measurements. We may command
IHU ON during the pass in order to observe battery voltage in the
telemetry. Please have FoxTelem running even if there is no telemetry
seen, it may turn on at any time during this pass.
Orbit 448 descending, at approximately 00:05 UTC Monday over North
America we will command AO-85 IHU ON. Please keep the uplink clear in
order to help us test and monitor the telemetry after the IHU is turned on.
Orbit 449 descending, at approximately 01:45 UTC Monday over North
America if we were unable to command IHU ON on orbit 448, we will
attempt to command again. Please keep the uplink clear in order to help
us test and monitor the telemetry after the IHU is turned on.
During the testing stations outside North, Central and northern South
America are invited to use the COR repeater mode and share your
assessment of AO-85 receive sensitivity and audio on amsat-bb.
Stations in North, Central, and northern South America may use the COR
repeater on orbits 445 through 447 and are also invited to share your
assessment of AO-85 receive sensitivity and audio on amsat-bb.
Please share this widely to help reach everyone who may be operating AO-85.
Thank you for your support.



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