
Received with verry strong signal, and sent beacon every 60 second at 436.250 MHz 9600bps data.. 9 Packet decoded

 Waterfall from HDSDR

AggieSat4  signal on SpectraVue
AggieSat4  signal on SpectraVue

AGW Onlinekiss
AGW Onlinekiss

SPROUT telemetry

SPROUT telemetry
03:30 UTC

SPROUT telemetry decoder


PSAT Telemetry Decoder

20160130165008 : PSAT]APRSON,ARISS,qAR,YC3BVG:T#375,802,072,946,905,404,00011000
20160130164930 : PSAT]APRSON,ARISS,qAR,YC3BVG::BLN0USA :PSK31 435.35 Up on 28.12
20160130164809 : PSAT]APRSON,ARISS,qAR,YC3BVG:T#373,805,069,945,898,403,00011000
20160130164754 : YD0NXX-4]APRX20,PSAT,ARISS*,YBSAT,qAR,YC3BVG:!0045.53N/10128.39E`SatGate Minas, Riau
20160130164504 : PSAT]APRSON,ARISS,qAR,YC3BVG:T#370,808,069,942,887,402,00011000
20160130164403 : PSAT]APRSON,ARISS,qAR,YC3BVG:T#369,798,321,941,882,402,00011000
20160130164402 : PSAT]APRSON,ARISS,qAR,YC3BVG:s#081622,0z200,000000000000000000000000000000000000
20160130164320 : YD0NXX-4]APRX20,PSAT,ARISS*,YBSAT,qAR,YC3BVG:!0045.53N/10128.39E`SatGate Minas, Riau
20160130164302 : PSAT]APRSON,ARISS,qAR,YC3BVG:T#368,810,069,941,876,401,00011000

GRIFEX Telemetry

GRIFEX Telemetry
15:37 UTC

GRIFEX Telemetry Decoder

TigriSat Telemetry

TigriSat Telemetry
TigriSat Telemetry decoder

AggieSat4 Telemetry

AggieSat4 Telemetry
08:00 UTC at 4 deg Elevation

AggieSat4 on HDSDR AggieSat4 on HDSDR

AggieSat4 beacon decode with HS_Soundmodem and AGW Online kiss AggieSat4 beacon decode with HS_Soundmodem and AGW Online kiss

2016-01-30 08:11:43.030 UTC: [128 Bytes KISS Frame (without CRC)]
   1 > C0 00 57 48 32 58 47 4E 6C 09 00 00 8D 0E C6 0E DB DC 00 DB
  21 > DC 00 04 00 3A 07 57 0A 00 00 39 00 D7 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  41 > 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  61 > 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  81 > 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 20 00 3B 00 00
 101 > DB DC 7F 00 00 DB DC 7F 00 00 DB DC 7F 37 0D 00 07 13 00 00
 121 > 00 00 00 00 00 02 46 C0
À.WH2XGNl....Æ.ÛÜ.ÛÜ...:.W...9.×.............................................................. .;..ÛÜ..ÛÜ..ÛÜ7............FÀ


Satellite: NOAA 19
Pass Start: 30 Jan 2016 06:29:10 GMT
Pass Duration: 15:32
Elevation: 54
Azimuth: 78
Solar Elevation: 58.5
Direction: northbound
Creation Time: 30 Jan 2016 06:33:23 GMT
Satellite Type: NOAA
Channel A: 2 (near infrared)
Channel B: 4 (thermal infrared)
Ground Station: YC3BVG, indonesia

 MCIR enhancements
 MCIR enhancement

Thermal Enhancements
Thermal Enhancement


QB50p1 Telemetry decoder

UWE-3 Telemetry

UWE-3 Telemetry
13:32 UTC

UWE-3 Telemetry Decoder
UWE-3 Telemetry Decoder


12:59 UTC

CubeBug-2 data telemetry
CubeBug-2 data telemetry

STRaND-1 Telemetry

STRaND-1 Telemetry
11:37 UTC

STRaND-1 Telemetry
STRaND-1 Telemetry

MCubed-2 Telemetry

MCubed-2 Telemetry
06:35 UTC

MCubed-2 Telemetry

TechSat 1B GO-32 Telemetry

TechSat 1B GO-32 Telemetry
TechSat 1B GO-32 Telemetry
TechSat 1B GO-32 Telemetry

SPROUT 1200bps Telemetry

SPROUT 1200bps Telemetry
Tempertaur Of SPROUT


AggieSat4 deployment from ISS

AggieSat4 deployment from ISS
UK astronaut Tim Peake KG5BVI preparing AggieSat4 for deployment
UK astronaut Tim Peake KG5BVI preparing AggieSat4 for deployment

The deployment activities scheduled for Friday, January 29, 2016 include capturing CYCLOPS with the JEM Remote Manipulator System, maneuvering CYCLOPS to the deployment location, and final deployment of AggieSat4 from CYCLOPS
An example of the deployment mechanism can be seen below.
There are four switches, embedded on the CYCLOPS EAF, that inhibit AGS4 from turning. The first event that will occur after deployment will be the release of these inhibits. Once these inhibits are removed, the Electronic Power System (EPS) starts and initiates a 10 minute timer. After the timer ends the Command and Data Handling System starts and initiates a checkout of every system on AGS4. When complete, AGS4 will begin sending a signal to Earth with its Low Data Rate (LDR) radio, indicating that it is alive and well. The team expects to start receiving signals from AGS4 on Friday evening.
This animation shows how the Cyclops Deployment System launches satellites in the 50 to 100 kg class from the International Space Station.

 Watch Animation of Station’s Cyclops Satellite Deployer

LONESTAR must be AggieSat4 and Bevo-2. AggieSat4 is mother satellite
and Bevo-2 is daughter. Bevo-2 deploy from AggieSat4. The satellites
deploy from ISS through Kibou's airlock via Cyclops. Preparation of
deployment will be done from 27th to 28th, and deploy at 29th.

According to IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination, both
satellite operate on amateur band.

Texas A&M University
61x61x28 cm, 50kg
436.250MHz 9k6 FSK, 153k6 FSK
University of Texas  Texas Spacecraft Laboratory
3U CubeSat, 4kg
437.325MHz 38k4 FSK, CW

Delfie-C3 Telemetry

Delfie-C3 Telemetry
01:36 UTC

Delfie-C3 TelemetryDelfie-C3 Telemetry 1200 bps BPSK


1:Fm YD0NXX-2 To APRX20 Via PSAT*,ARISS*,YBSAT <UI R Pid=F0 Len=57> [00:24:19R]
!0615.52S/10646.75ES SatGate Jakarta Selatan on TL-MR3220
1:Fm PSAT To APRSON Via ARISS <UI R Pid=F0 Len=34> [00:25:30R]
1:Fm YD0NXX-4 To APRX20 Via PSAT*,ARISS*,YBSAT <UI R Pid=F0 Len=39> [00:25:33R]
!0045.53N/10128.39E`SatGate Minas, Riau
1:Fm PSAT To APRSON Via ARISS <UI R Pid=F0 Len=52> [00:26:18R]
1:Fm YD0NXX-4 To APRX20 Via PSAT*,ARISS*,YBSAT <UI R Pid=F0 Len=39> [00:26:22R]
!0045.53N/10128.39E`SatGate Minas, Riau
1:Fm PSAT To APRSON Via ARISS <UI R Pid=F0 Len=34> [00:26:31R]
1:Fm YD0NXX-4 To APRX20 Via PSAT*,ARISS*,YBSAT <UI R Pid=F0 Len=39> [00:27:19R]
!0045.53N/10128.39E`SatGate Minas, Riau
1:Fm MINAS To APOT21 Via PSAT*,WIDE1*,ARISS <UI R Pid=F0 Len=84> [00:27:30R]
!/N+(ih-qy# st 13.9V  31C PHG72806/Digi Minas-Riau, op: Yono/YD0NXX
1:Fm PSAT To APRSON Via ARISS <UI R Pid=F0 Len=52> [00:27:54R]
1:Fm PSAT To APRSON Via ARISS <UI R Pid=F0 Len=52> [00:29:28R]
1:Fm PSAT To APRSON Via ARISS <UI R Pid=F0 Len=34> [00:29:34R]
1:Fm VK6HAM-9 To SQU3Y8 Via PSAT*,ARISS*,SGATE,WIDE2-1 <UI R Pid=F0 Len=13> [00:30:58R]
1:Fm YE2YE-13 To BEACON Via PSAT*,ARISS1* <UI R Pid=F0 Len=10> [00:31:00R]
1:Fm PSAT To APRSON Via ARISS <UI R Pid=F0 Len=52> [00:31:02R]
1:Fm PSAT To APRSON Via ARISS <UI R Pid=F0 Len=34> [00:31:35R]T#579,810,072,954,896,403,00011000
1:Fm VK6TGQ To APDW12 Via PSAT*,ARISS*,SGATE,WIDE,OF76TO <UI R Pid=F0 Len=75> [00:32:19R]!3324.66S/11538.74E`G Day via ISS  from Brian in Gelorup, WA. 73 & Good DX.

PSAT Telemetry
PSAT Telemetry

20160128173159 : PSAT]APRSON,ARISS,qAR,YC3BVG:T#579,810,072,954,896,403,00011000
20160128173126 : PSAT]APRSON,ARISS,qAR,YC3BVG:s#079729,0z200,000000000000000000000000000000000000
20160128172957 : PSAT]APRSON,ARISS,qAR,YC3BVG:T#577,811,084,953,889,402,00011000
20160128172952 : PSAT]APRSON,ARISS,qAR,YC3BVG:s#079728,0z200,000000000000000000000000000000000000
20160128172818 : PSAT]APRSON,ARISS,qAR,YC3BVG:s#079727,0z200,000000000000000000000000000000000000
20160128172656 : PSAT]APRSON,ARISS,qAR,YC3BVG:T#574,814,073,950,876,400,00011000
20160128172641 : PSAT]APRSON,ARISS,qAR,YC3BVG:s#079726,0z200,000000000000000000000000000000000000
20160128172554 : PSAT]APRSON,ARISS,qAR,YC3BVG:T#573,815,076,950,872,400,00011000

QB50P1 Telemetry

QB50P1 Telemetry
QB50P1 Telemetry

FUNCube-2 Telemetry

FUNCube-2 Telemetry
15:47 UTC

FUNCube-2 Telemetry WOD panel Temp
FUNCube-2 Telemetry WOD Panel Temp

FUNCube-2 Telemetry PaForwardPower
FUNCube-2 Telemetry PaForwardPower

O/OREOS Telemetry

O/OREOS Telemetry
O/OREOS Telemetry




Delfi-C3 Telemetry

Delfi-C3 Telemetry
01:30 UTC

Delfi-C3 Telemetry 01:30 Z

TIGRISAT Telemetry

TIGRISAT Telemetry
13:58 UTC

TIGRISAT Telemetry decoder

FUNCube-1 (AO-73) Telemetry

FUNCube-1 (AO-73) Telemetry
02:08 UTC

Sun sensor Telemetry

Delfi-C3 Telemetry

Delfi-C3 Telemetry
01:38 UTC

Delfi-C3 Telemetry


OOREOS Telemetry
OOREOS Telemetry

VELOX-2 CW Beacon

VELOX-2 CW Beacon
16:34 UTC

VELOX-2 CW Beacon


QB50p1 telemetry

QB50p1 telemetry
15:33 UTC

QB50p1 telemetry

FUNCube-1 Telemetry

FUNCube-1 Telemetry

FUNCube-1 Sun Sensor -Y

FUNCube-1 Solar panel X+
FUNCube-1 Solar panel X+


15:18 UTC




MCubed-2 Telemetry

MCubed-2 Telemetry
17:12 UTC

MCubed-2 Telemetry


BugSat-1 Telemetry
BugSat-1 Telemetry 9600bps GMSK

 16:04:42.880 UTC: MAIL Upt: 05:54:45 Bat:11.83v Temp:23.2C Gyr:1.24d/s
16:07:27.890 UTC: MAIL Upt: 05:57:30 Bat:11.83v Temp:22.6C Gyr:1.14d/s

FUNCube-1 Telemetry

FUNCube-1 Telemetry
Funcube WOD
 Funcube WOD

Funcube Sun sensor telemetry
Funcube Sun sensor telemetry



Delfi-C3 telemetry

Delfi-C3 telemetry
Delfi-c3 telemetry

MCubed-2 Telemetry

MCubed-2 Telemetry
Invert Colour MCubed-2 Public GS

TIGRISAT Telemetry

TIGRISAT Telemetry
13:58 UTC 

TIGRISAT Telemetry


Image from NOAA-15

Satellite: NOAA 15
Pass Start: 19 Jan 2016 09:10:58 GMT
Pass Duration: 13:42
Elevation: 23
Azimuth: 79
Solar Elevation: 13.2
Direction: northbound
Creation Time: 19 Jan 2016 09:12:10 GMT
Satellite Type: NOAA
Channel A: 2 (near infrared)
Channel B: 4 (thermal infrared)
Enhancement: HVCT

VELOX-2 CW Beacon

VELOX-2 CW Beacon
05:33 UTC

VELOX-2 CW Beacon
 VELOX-2 CW beacon  on Spectravue

VELOX-2 CW Beacon Decoder
 VELOX-2 CW Beacon Decoder

CW beacon: SSG502YYFZAZ9A7Z4D2
Satellite Mode 2: Normal Mode
Battery Voltage Cell 1: 3949 mV .. 4044 mV
Battery Voltage Cell 2: 3949 mV .. 4044 mV
avg. Battery Cell Temperature: 10 .. 12 C
avg. Solar Panel Temp: >= 60 C
Body Solar Panel Temperature: -39 .. 9 C
Copyright © YC3BVG BLOG. All rights reserved.